Idea International Co., Ltd.
[Office and Laboratory]
Head Office : 1-15-35 Sagigamori, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture 981-0922
Tel: +81(Japan) 22-342-8410
Kitayama iiLabo: 1-2-11 Kitayama, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture 981-0931 Fukamatsugumi Kitayama Annex
e-mail: info@idea-i.jp
[Business summary]
● We develop the industrial application of nanocarbon materials with the aim of promoting the social implementation of bottom-up nanotechnology.
● We support research activities concerning fullerenes and Li⁺@C60.
● We bridge technical issues arising on-site and nanocarbon
[Board member]
● Chairman and Representative Director: Tsutomu Fukamatsu (President of Fukamatsu Gumi Co., Ltd.)
● President: Yasuhiko Kasama
● Director CPO: Kazuhiko Kawachi
● Director: Glen Mansfeeld Kini (President and CEO of Cyber Solutions Inc.)
● Advisor: Kotaro Kageyama (Director of Kageyama Law and Patent Office / Lawyer / Patent Attorney)
● Audit & Supervisory Board Member: Toru Fukamatsu (Vice President, Fukamatsu Gumi Co., Ltd.)
Founded: April 2011 Established Idea International Co., Ltd.
Established R & D prototype line in Hatchery Square, New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University
Started selling Lithium-ion-encapsulating fullerene [Li+@C60](PF6)- as sample use for studies and research.
Japan Finance Corporation equity loan extended; the fist case in Tohoku area.
Japan Finance Corporation equity loan financing Tohoku first of decision
Adopted as the first theme of the Tohoku University Interdisciplinary Research Priority Program System.
Industrial Collaboration Promotion Project "Creation of Endohedral Fullerene Nano Biotronics" started at Future Science and Technology Joint Research Center of Tohoku University
The concept of "New Nanocarbon-Induced Molecular Systems Basic Research and Development Center" proposed by the Graduate School of Science has been certified as a priority center for interdisciplinary research at Tohoku University.
Corrected in 2015 Innovative manufacturing / commercial / service development support subsidy project [Manufacturing subsidy] adopted and mass production technology / mass production system strengthened
On the subject of NEDO research "Study on creation of novel nanocarbon material by fusion of first principle calculation and experiment" we were subcontracted by Yokohama National University and pursued "ideal limit target".
Re-adopted for 2016 amendment [manufacturing subsidy]. Started developing elemental technologies for innovative plasma sources that improve productivity 1000 times more than in the previous facility.
"Nanocarbon-Induced Molecular Systems Basic Research Department" was established in the Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University. A dynamic research and development organization that welcomes young researchers inside and outside the university (international) and opinion leaders in the field, and aims to participate in the development of basic research and applied technology. Bottom-up Nanotechnology-A groundbreaking industry-academia collaboration that aims to create a new industry that the university itself will work on, from basic research to the creation of new management styles including human resource development, with a view to the era of practical application. Attempt. Idea International is expected to be one of its indispensable core companies and plans to expand further.
2017 amendment [manufacturing subsidy] adopted. Started development of new lithium ion endohedral fullerene salt aiming at application.
Adopted for the 1st JST / A-STEP functional verification / test research in 2018 (Associate Professor Kwon of Tohoku University). He made, in the fall of 2017, a proposal for an ultra-sensitive and highly selective odor sensor using Li⁺@C60. We develop the sensor and expedite collaboration with Nagoya City University, Osaka University, KSB-Korea, Fukamatsu-Gumi Co., Ltd. and others.
Concluded a joint research and development agreement with Fukamatsu-Gumi Co., Ltd. regarding solar cells and odor sensors using Li+@C60.
Amendment for 2018 [Manufacturing subsidy] adopted
2019/08(Reiwa 1st year)
Research program of Tohoku University "Environment-related equipment development" was adopted by Miyagi Prefecture Subsidy. Research on futuristic Li-ion batteries started with the cooperation of Prime Earth EV Energy.
Increased the capital to 30.32 million yen (as of today) In view of COVID19 pandemic, the construction of a new development base "Kitayama iiLab" started in the Kitayama Annex of Fukamatsu-Gumi, Kitayama district, Aoba-ku, Sendai city.
Group proposal "LiEF-PSC (New Base Creation of Development and Synthesis" adopted for the subsidy program "Open Innovation Creation Project" by Miyagi Industry Promotion Organization. Tohoku University, Nagoya University, Nagoya City University, Co., Ltd. started jointly with Idea International research activities with Fukumatsu-Gumi and others on practical issues involving trial production of next-generation perovskite solar cells.
Kitayama ii Labo
〒981-0931 1-2-11 Kitayama, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken, Kitayama Annex, Fukamatsu-gumi
Tel: 022-342-8410