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Idea International Co., Ltd.
B uttom-up N ano T echnology


To all visitors to Nanotech 2022. Joint research, with respect to such cooperation industry, please feel free to contact us.

It is the only venture company in the world that manufactures and sells lithium-ion-encapsulating fullerenes [Li + @ C60] ahead of the rest of the world. Ten years after we started supplying it to researchers, the unique features of [Li + @ C60] have begun to be examined for the practical application of energy devices such as perovskite solar cells and supercapacitors, and high-sensitivity odor sensors.

How it works
Video Courses
Prof E Campbell 3.jpg

"New industry starts from basic research! 』\

"I want to value the challenges of young researchers! 』\

Campbell先生は、原子内包フラーレン、とりわけリチウムイオン内包フラーレン(Lithium ion Endohedral Fullerene "LiEF")研究の世界第一人者です。


このVideoは、2022年に深松 努氏(株式会社深松組 社長)が東北大・理学部に寄付をして、LiEFを含むナノ物質基礎研究の寄附口座を開設した折に、Cambell先生がよこしてくれたものです。


We are aiming for the practical application of bottom-up technology.

⇒ Safe and hysteresis-free high-speed charging supercapacitor ⇒ Expectations for ultra-high energy storage capacitors
Expectations for an innovative energy storage device (all-solid-state) / Super Atom Energy Capacitor

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